Join us to hear Gods's Words manifesting powerfully and being fulfilled in our midst

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Meet Prophet Matthew O’Dunlami

Prophet Matthew O’Dunlami is a dedicated servant of God who has been sharing the Word and the power of prophetic prayer since 1995. As a Prophet, Evangelist, Author, Speaker, and Radio Personality, he has a divine mandate to awaken nations to the grace and truth of God under the Dispensation of Grace.

His Ministry and Mission

With a deep conviction in the power of prayers that align with Scripture, Prophet O’Dunlami brings to life the ancient roles and revelations of prophets, as highlighted in scriptures like Hosea 12:13 and Amos 3:7. His ministry is centered around being a voice for God, delivering His messages without compromise to people all over the world.

Building Up the Body of Christ

Through his teachings and guidance, he aspires to equip the saints for ministry and build up the body of Christ, as described in Ephesians 4:10-13. Join us on this page to explore the life, mission, and teachings of Prophet Matthew O’Dunlami, a true oracle of God.